S.A.T.H.I. (Society for Administration of Telemedicine and Health Care Informatics) – a non profit organization – is a group consisting of like minded highly trained and skilled Medical and Information Technology as well as Telecommunication Professionals (see the list of governing body members) who think that Telemedicine can go a long way in providing affordable and quality healthcare to each and every person of our country. All of us are actively working to bring these thoughts to fruition.

Activities in Telehealth

  • Developing Software
  • Training of personnel
  • Field Testing
  • Project management
  • Tsunami and Earthquake Relief
  • Standardization
  • Digital Health Assistant (DHA) Program

Real-world learning in action! 🏥📚 Our DHA students got a behind-the-scenes look at Apollo Hospital today. From patient care to admin, they’re seeing how it all comes together. Turning theory into practice – that’s how we roll! More…

Activities in Lymphedema
Comprehensive Center of Excellence

LCIP is a Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN) Comprehensive Center of Excellence. That means we’ve set the highest standard for best practice multidisciplinary care in the management and care of lymphatic diseases.

Awards and Accolades

Our Healing Touch Project after the Tsunami disaster provided Mental Health Support to sufferers from PTSD after the 2004 Tsunami. It was quoted to be the best example of eHealth during after extensive peer review and thereby published in a book

Our Telemedicine Supported Vision care project in Mizoram was voted the Best EHealth Project in the North East in 2014 (enortheast.in) and also was adjusted the best poster presentation during the 8th biennial APAMI 2014 meeting in New Delhi

Currently we are expanding into Filariasis control as well as trying to provide support to a range of related health problems in rural areas as well as B and C Class cities.


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