• Become a Digital Health Assistant

    Build your career with S.A.T.H.I (Society for Administration of Telemedicine and Healthcare Informatics).
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    Advanced learning tools

    We provide professional training, certification and placement support related to all areas of healthcare industry. Renowned companies are also associating with our training program.

    Personalized learning

    Students get a learning plan that's based on how they learn best.

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    Highly experienced and world class trainers provide hand hold training.

    SATHI-DHA ProgramVision & Mission

    Digital health, especially Telemedicine and Telehealth are an integral part of the Digital India  campaign. A National Digital Health Blueprint (NDHB) was released in 2019 wherein emphasis was laid out in the adoption of an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system for all clinical establishments. Actual usage of EHRs is less than 5% and computerized hospitals only use billing, inventory modules of HMIS solutions.

    • VISION:- To empower the economically disadvantaged towards social equality and to refresh our environment.
    • MISSION:- (i) To create awareness for the need to uplift the underprivileged sections of society. (ii) To encourage employee involvement by creating opportunities for meaningful contact with beneficiaries. (iii) To support project responding to ‘felt need’ and having long term impact relating to education, health and hygiene. (iv) To offer specialized expertise as facilitators. (v) To provide assistance to first generation learners, drop-outs, talented needy children. (vi) To integrate through holistic support, the underprivileged and special population, into mainstream society.


    SATHI – Short for Society for Telemedicine and Healthcare Informatics – a not for profit established in 2004 by technocrats in the form of Doctors Engineers, Philanthropists and Sociologist have been working to ease adoption of digital health since inception. Prof Sneh Bhargava – fromer director of AIIMS and Prof Lazar Mathews – fromer director of INMAS are important mentors. 

    SATHI had identified a gap in existing health manpower which was obstructing widespread adoption of Computerization of Clinics, EHRs as well as telehealth. We have introduced a Digital Health Assistant (DHA) training program for school passouts with the following key benefits:

    1.      One professional to manage the Front Office, IT and basic medical requirements of a doctor/clinic.

    2.      Employment for the under privileged.

    3.      Augment human capital for the healthcare sector.

    4.      Introduce E.H.R and adoption of best practices. 

    News Update

    Our Diploma  in Digital health Assistance (DHA) program is making waves! Featured on Page 8 of this week's @blitzindiamagazine, read all about the amazing work of our  DHA Program.

    This first-of-its-kind course is creating a pool of skilled, certified professionals to cater to India's growing need for Digital Assistants in healthcare.

    With two batches of Alumni already making an impact, the third DHA cohort has begun their training.

    If you know any bright, committed youth seeking a purposeful career, direct them towards this life-changing opportunity! DHA opens doors to jobs with leading hospitals & clinics.

    And if you or an anyone one  you know requires our DHA graduates let’s bridge that gap together.

    The revolution-in Digital Healthcare , Enroll some one or hire someone or support our cause - join this transformative movement today!

    Link in bio for all program details. Let's keep this buzz going! 🙌


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    Nam cum Academicis incerta luctatio est, qui nihil affirmant et quasi desperata cognitione certi id sequi volunt, quodcumque veri simile videatur. An potest, inquit ille, quicquam esse suavius quam nihil dolere.
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