Events & Activities

List of events organized by SATHI in 2021

5th and 6th March 2021World Lymphoedema Day Celebrations continue at AIIMS, New Delhi and Maharaja Agrasen Hospital.
25th February 2021Online personalized Yoga classes started for Lymphoedema patients with Ms Nisha Mahajan as the Yoga instructor and Ms Arun Rekha as the coordinator.
20th February 2021In association with S.A.T.H.I, Rotary Club of Delhi arranged a webinar on “Yoga for Lymphedema Patients”. Launch of online Yoga class for Lymphedema patients.
11th January 2021In association with S.A.T.H.I, Rotary Club of Delhi distributed 500 N95 Masks, face shields, PE Kits, goggles to healthcare staffs and frontline workers at Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Research and science.

List of events organized by SATHI in 2020

18th December 2020S.A.T.H.I started Telehealth practice for Radhasoami Adivasi Charitable Hospital, Rajaborari, Madhya Pradesh on regular basis.
17th December 2020In association with S.A.T.H.I and LE&RN India, Rotary Club of Delhi West executed Project Healthy Legs.
22nd November 2020S.A.T.H.I Contributed to the publication of India’ first Medical Students Journal – The Medical Juncture (TMJ).See specific link to the article by Dr Shashi Gogia is here – Telemedicine – Changing Scenario Post PandemicThe Med Juncture
17th October 2020S.A.T.H.I organized a webinar in association with LE&RN India on “Role of Yoga and Diet for Wellness”.
10th October 2020S.A.T.H.I President Dr. S. B. Gogia and Mrs. Arun Rekha Gogia participated in a virtual conference arranged by King George Medical University, Lucknow on “Awareness and Management of Lymphedema in Carcinoma Breast”.
9th October 2020LE&RN India in partnership with Rotary Club of Delhi West and S.A.T.H.I 300 Compression Kits were distributed.
18th September 2020In Association with ASI Odisha and Dr Sanjay Giri plastic surgeon from AIIMS, Bhubaneswar a virtual conference took place on “Lymphedema and Surgeons”.
5th September 2020S.A.T.H.I President Dr. S. B. Gogia participated in a virtual conference arranged by Cytopot on “LYMPHEDEMA”: Diving into the depths of the dynamics between the lymphatic system and the interstitium.
July August 2020SATHI Assists Mahaan Hospital and Trust, Melghat, District Amrawati Maharasthra in setting up their telemedicine facility through purchase of Tele-stethoscopes and instructing them on software usage (www,
8th July 2020A virtual conference arranged by Rotary Club of Delhi West in association with S.A.T.H.I and LE&RN.
30th June 2020A virtual conference arranged by CII NR in association with S.A.T.H.I on telemedicine.
28th June 2020S.A.T.H.I Board Member Ms. Gurinder Kaur received Extraordinary Women’s Award-2020 on June 28 in Geneva, Switzerland.
28th April 2020S.A.T.H.I President Dr. S. B. Gogia held a workshop on telehealth for Gynecologists in partnership with Wockhardt.
21st April 2020S.A.T.H.I President Dr. S. B. Gogia participated in HIMSS Webinar on telemedicine.
19th April 2020PMO India tweeted on the telemedicine activity.
14th March 2020Activity of S.A.T.H.I in association with Rotary Club of Delhi West on behalf of Lymphedema Month.
6th March 2020World Lymphedema Day Celebration at AIIMS Rishikesh. Continuing Medical Education and Public Awareness Campaign.
21st January 2020Mumbai VAICON 2020 Seminar on “Lymphedema – we are no longer helpless”.
13-16 January 2020CME Workshop on “Current Perspective in Lymphedema” at Rishikesh AIIMS. (Stockings donated).

List of events organized by SATHI in 2019

19-21 November 2019An awareness program conducted with LER&N India Chapter in New Delhi.
17th October 201926th Annual Conference of Vascular Society of India, Hyderabad International Convention Center, VSICON 2019.
11-13 October 20191st Turkish Lymphedema Congress organized by Anatolia Lymphedema Association in Istanbul.
23-26 September 201927th World Congress of Lymphology in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
24th August 2019Book Launch: Fundamentals of Telemedicine and Telehealth – an international publication with 52 authors where SATHI’s work experience in Telehealth was a major contributor.
21st 22nd August 2019IUP (International Union of Phlebology Mid term Meeting in Krakow, Poland.
4th August 2019SATHI conducted a master class demonstration on diagnosing and quantifying lymphedema. (EUVIC, Mohali, Punjab).
11-13 July 2019In Hyderabad, Workshop on the management of lymphatic disease, eleven (11) patients were selected for hands-on practice. All the aspects of CDT were explained to the participants.
25th May 2019Final Day of Medical Technology Hackathon at IIT Kanpur.
28th -30th March 2019Lymphology Society of India meeting at Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu.
6th March 2019World Lymphedema Day Celebration in association with Dharamshila Narayan Hospital, New Delhi, LE&RN India Chapter. This was the first time it was transmitted live across the country with online speakers from Chandigarh, Goa and Tamil Nadu.
2nd March 2019CME & Workshop on “Management of Lymphedema” at AIIMS Bhopal.
23rd – 26th January 2019vWIN Workshop, at Cortina Italy.
18-20th January 2019International Lymphology Workshop, VAICON 2019, Hyderabad.
17th January 2019About 100 Doctors & Nurses attended the CME at AIIMS Bhubaneswar.

List of events organized by SATHI in 2018

3th August 2018Masterclass on Lymphedema for Ultrasound and Endo Vascular Intervention Course, Mohali, India.
9th April 2018International Conference on Lymphedema (Lym-Physio 2018) at Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, Chennai.
8th April 2018International Conference on Lymphedema (Lym-Physio 2018) at SVIMS College of Physiotherapy, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh.
7th April 2018International Conference on Lymphedema (Lym-Physio 2018) at Krupanidhi College of Physiotherapy, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
April 2018International Conference on Lymphedema (Lym-Physio) Road Show in South India.
March 2018Survey on incidence of Chronic Diseases undertaken in North East Delhi conducted in partnership with IIHMR Delhi.
4-8 February 2018World Congress of Phlebology in Melbourne, demonstrated ‘Self Care for Filarial Lymphedema in Remote Location’.
21st – 23rd January 2018January VAICON meeting at Vadodara Gujarat.

List of events organized by SATHI in 2016-17

6th August 2017Masterclass on Lymphedema for Ultrasound and Endo Vascular Intervention Course, Mohali, India.
6th March 2017World Lymphedema Day Celebration in association with NHM, Odisha & NCD Cell Odisha, Palliative Care & Plastic Surgery Department AIIMS, Bhubaneswar, LE&RN India Chapter.
4th March 2017Presented and chaired a session on Lymphoedema management as part of VAICON 2017 in Varanasi.
January 22nd 2017Two day camp at District Pisawan, Sitapur, UP – bandage treatment explained and handed over to 60 patients. Bandage donation by AMLA MEDIQUIP.
December 2016Invitation by Sydney university Australia to participate in a joint research project on Lymphedema.
6th March 2016World Lymphedema Day Celebration initiated worldwide by LE&RN ( SATHI was among the first international chapters to do a formal full day workshop at AIIMS New Delhi.
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