About Us

Who We are

We are a team of specialists providing expertise through an integrated approach in the ambulatory setting for these conditions. With experience gained over 20 years of continuous patient care, accompanied by research as well as product development, our team has developed a unique and successful model of patient care which is replicable on a large scale.

Our History

Approximately 40 million people in India suffer from Lymphoedema. Out of these, filaria accounts for 20 million alone. In 1981, a thesis by one of the co-founders of Amla Mediquip, based on research conducted at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences showed that imported compression pumps and garments can be used for therapy of lymphoedema in India. However, there is yet scant awareness about lymphoedema, let alone its therapy. This is true not only amongst the patients but also among the care givers. Current facilities for treating these conditions cater to only 1% or so of the affected population. There is a prevalent reluctance to treat these dreaded conditions largely due to lack of knowledge of the methods as well as skepticism regarding the outcomes of treatment.

What We Do

As a company, we provide quality treatment solutions for patients suffering from various lymphatic and venous conditions. We are also involved in the training of medical personnel in the use of the devices and materials designed for lymphoedema therapy. We also help physicians and hospitals set-up their own, independent limb care centers with trained therapists.

Mission , Vision & Goals


Create a knowledge pool by associating leaders in the fields of telemedicine, health care informatics, project management, social marketing and other related fields
Network and collaborate with organizations to create diverse synergies and opportunities of working together to d


SATHI aims to be a front runner in the field of Telemedicine and Health Care Informatics through a continuous process of accumulation and up gradation of knowledge pool.


  • Participate in technical and financial bids for projects that are advertised by the governments solely or in collaboration with other organizations to deliver specific goals as demanded by the opportunities available.
  • Prepare proper Closure Reports on every project completed and handed over to the other agencies
  • Participate in meetings organized by various chambers to showcase application of technology and possibilities of collaboration in economically viable projects
  • Participate in medial conferences to showcase application across medical specialties
  • Organize web conferences and telemedicine tutorials

The Core Group

SATHI core group is a band of thorough professionals from diverse fields who form cross functional teams to address different issues and projects. There is no hesitation in inviting other professionals at any time for any cause or information to join in as additional resource persons.

Teams are headed by the best resource person to address an issue/project and the leaders are free to select other members for support. There is a mechanism of reporting, monitoring and continuous evaluation of activities in a time bound framework.

Leadership and resourcefulness are the necessary tenet of the member

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